Star Plus is set to introduce a brand-new television series called "Titli," featuring Vatsal Seth and Neha Solanki as the main protagonists. The show is produced by Ved Raj under the production banner of Shoonya Square, recognized for creating serials like "Belan Wali Bahu," "Thapki Pyaar Ki," "Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega," among others.
Vatsal Seth and Neha Solanki have been selected to portray the lead characters in this drama series. With their first-ever collaboration, the show has generated significant anticipation among fans. Followers of both Vatsal and Neha are eagerly awaiting this fresh pairing, eager to witness their on-screen chemistry.
"Titli" is scheduled to premiere on June 6, 2023, on Star Plus. It is expected to occupy the time slot previously held by the show "Chashni," which was discontinued due to low viewership ratings.